Friday, September 12, 2008


Hi Antonio,

I love listening to you on MS112. You are so knowledgeable - thank you for all your advice! I need a product suggestion please. I very, very rarely use a hair spray (maybe 2-3 times per year and only a quick spritz for an up do) but the one I use is very "perfumey" and overpowers any cologne or perfume I may have on - all too much! Can you suggest a product with no smell that would achieve the same result?

Great question! It's amazing how many hairsprays smell like cheap perfume. Well I did my research and after smelling 10 hair sprays from the cheap ones to the expensive ones (great buzz by the way), I came up with one product which had no overpowering fragrance. It's the Shu Uemura sheer lacquer finishing spray. It smells great and holds well. Also, the spray is super fine which is always a plus! You can purchase it online through the Eva Scrivo Salon website at or at

I will continue posting questions from listners and readers so please stay tuned.